Sunday, 5 April 2015

Man Talk 4th April

Ever had a case of the box set blues. That empty feeling you get after you complete a marathon watch of an addictive series. I've been there with Breaking Bad  and Game of Thrones, and the latest series to leave me wanting more was the brilliant Love/Hate an Irish crime drama I've watched all five series in about three weeks. It was addictive, but now that I've completed my couch marathon  I'm feeling a little bit lost, and thats the problem with box sets and downloads, you really can't be bothered waiting a week for the next episode anymore. Thank goodness for Netflix. I've taken a sneak peak at bloodlines and House of Cards both look so good I'm saving them up for a proper binge. Who said theirs nothing good on TV 

Can you believe McDonalds are launching their own clothes line. From t shirts to jackets and boots, the range will all come with the distinctive Big Mac logo. Theirs something a little bit 'tasteless' about wearing clothes that promote a less than healthy diet. I expect this will be one designer label where you won't have a problem getting the larger sizes, and of course supersize, will always be an option. Wonder if they'll make a fat suit? 

In Venezuela they have fingerprint scanners in supermarkets. They say it's  to monitor what your buying and to discourage you from hoarding. - I like that idea of someone telling me when I've got to much of something already. it  will save me a fortune! 

Here's a trend from America, men are scheduling their vasectomies during the college basketball playoffs. This way they can justify having time off work and catch the biggest games of the basketball season. I wonder if their is the same spike in snip operations around World Cup time in this country.

Scientist have found that men can lose weight by just sitting on the couch and doing nothing. In fact they lose nearly 3 times more calories than a woman from just laying back and relaxing. Now for those of us who have become skilled in this practice and have been called  a 'couch potato' or accused of just   'dossing around' you can now correct these false assumptions and call it what it is a work out.

A must have for your mobile is a 'Drunk' mode app. The creators say It saves you from making the embarrassing phone call or sending that text you know you'll regret the next day. To overcome the locked phone - you have to be sober enough to solve a maths problem, otherwise it only allows you 
 emergencies calls. 

Funniest thing on TV this week was Jeremy Paxman leaders interview. Talk about making them
squirm. After seeing the first few debates. Its Paxman who gets my vote. Can he win it? Hell yeah!