Sunday, 28 December 2014

Man Talk 28th December 2014

I  Ho Ho Hope you had a very merry christmas, I've spent the last few days catching up on some of the box set DVD's. I received. My favourite so far is Karl Pillington's Idiot Abroad collection. What Makes me laugh the most about Brits aborad, is the way we think by adding an accent, where ever we may be. People will understand us. When the former England manager, Steve Mclaren was coaching in Holland, he seemed to think that by adding a dutch accent to his english words, he was actually speaking like a local . And funniest of all Joey Barton, when playing for Marseille, must have thought that watching old episodes of 'Allo 'Allo, was all he needed to do to get by in France. I vill say zis only vonce, Speaking with a foreign acent is not a subsitiute for learning the language.

It was a bit sad to hear the other day, that when surveyed some children think Christmas is santa's birthday, thats why we get presents. That Jesus is alive and plays for Chelsea. And the wisemen found the stable using Google maps. Now where did they get those ideas from, everyone knows Coca Cola invented christmas.
Here's one reason why boxers always end up penniless at the end of their careers. Amir Khan recently spent £25,000 on a pair of shorts! At that price it must have air bags in the backside to cushion the fall when he gets knocked down.
If like me you thought the BBC Sports Personality Of The Year awards last week was a bit boring, due to a lack of actual sportsmen with personalites, Get over to New Zealand, where they've just had their own version. And the winner was – A LUMBERJACK! Yup, chopping down trees is a sport over there. I wonder if running for the bus, and the supermarket trolley dash, is also considereded a sporting achievement.
No film is complete these days without its technical advisors, Experts on their subject, to make sure that the content is authentic.  For example comeidan Jason Manford, was credited as the chuckle advisor, for the recent Tommy Cooper film. His job was to advise on where the laughs should go when editing and what sort of laughs they should be. I mention this after reading that for the soon to be released 'Fifty shades of Grey' movie, the producers  employed their own 'expert'  his title is 'The kink advisor' any ideas what his job is? 
Only in America- A woman was asked to leave a flight she was booked on, because her travelling companion, a  'Pot Bellied Pig'  was being disruptive. She claims the pig was travelling with her for emotional support. The flight crew said the pig was running up and down the aisles squeeling loudly, and making a mess. Can you believe on some American airlines you are actually allowed to take some animals, to ease your fear of flying. Apart from pigs you can take monkeys and weirdest of all minature Horses! Come on EasyJet get with it!
One of the top selling gifts this christmas was – a Ouija board!, glad I didn't get one, Dont think i'd be be able to cope with any uninvited guests.    
I bet the staff at John Lewis will be glad Christmas is over. They've had their christmas advert song 'Real Love' on continuiously everytime i've been in the shop for the last month. I bet they can't wait to to PPPick up the PPPenguin, and launch it!  

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