Sunday, 25 January 2015

Man Talk 26th January 2015

Their was a time when a round of drinks for the lads was lager lager lager and if their was someone  a bit old school a pint of bitter. Now a trip to the bar ( not so many pubs anymore) means having to choose from a selection of beers with as many options as any wine list. From the European bottled options to the exotic Asian beers and now the micro brews that seem to be the flavour of the month. Just asking for a beer has never been more complicated. I was recently offered a pint of 'neckoil' in one bar or the option of a Punk IPA or a Mad Hatter in another. And they are just the ones I could remember. I say remember as another beer  I tried isn't called 'Ruination' for nothing. Thank goodness for dry January.

I discovered What every man should have in his wardrobe the other day, it's a smart belt or a 'Beltie' This is a micro processor controlled belt which adjusts itself depending on your circumstances. If you eat to much it will loosen itself. This clever little thing is programmed to automatically adjusts itself as your waste line expands. However It also recognises when you've been sitting around to long and tightens itself, forcing you to stand up and move around until it decides you've had enough exercise  then  it eases the pressure. 

You may have seen in the news that experts recommend  walking for twenty minutes a day is good for your health. Which is great for me because the nearest fast food  outlet  is a  ten minute walk away. So add the ten minute walk back and all that excersize will not only keep me fit but give me an appetite to eat my chips win win id say. 

Was anybody one of the 10,000 people who applied for the vacancy as a paint ball impact tester. Yes it's a real job, being used as a target and getting paid for it. 

Mark Zuckerberg founder of Facebook latest obsession is books. He says they allow you to immerse yourself in  a subject - nice idea but could you live without google for your instant information, how many of us could find the time to go to a library and spend hours looking for some facts, when we can have the answers at our finger tips in seconds. Sorry Mark but theirs no going back. 

I'm sure some of you will be really glad to know that scientists have found that being sarcastic can add up to 3 yrs to your life. Yippee! They've found that  sarcasm is extremely good for the mind - well they would say that wouldn't they 

What's with the crazy weather these days. This week they announced that  last year was the hottest ever, and  yet, we had record flooding and it got so cold, at one point experts called it a 'Weather bomb'. We had tornados in Bristol last week and hundred mile an hour winds in Scotland  and now the latest extreme is 'Thundersnow' it's what you get when theirs a storm but it's to cold to rain. My advice, be prepared, these days you dare not leave home without a hat scarf raincoat, sunblock and a pair of sunglasses.  Four seasons in a day is the norm these days

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