The buzz word in the American business world at the moment is 'mindfulness' it's about taking a minute out if the rat race and stop doing whatever your are doing and then tuning your mind into where you are and what's around you. It sounds easy but it's not. You have to try and stop thinking about the future or the past and concentrate on the 'now' Business Gurus (Guru is an appropriate term as it's a very Buddhist concept) say we live such hectic lives everything just passes us by without us noticing. They say we aren't spending enough time just 'being' and if we can stop take a minute and just 'be' it can clean your mind so help improve your performance. The Seattle Seahawks credit practicing 'mindfulness' for their success in reaching the SuperBowl. It's now one of the most searched terms on Google. Having A sort of wake up and smell the coffee moment is not as easy as it sounds. Just have a go. I tried it and I can tell you getting a moment of personal zen is hard work.
Friends you'll be glad to know that a little bit of me time doesn't only have to be in the mind. Researchers have found that a little bit of 'Me' and 'Me-mates time is also good for you. The experts say,( and they should know that's why they are experts!)
male bonding is more likely to lower a man's stress levels than a night out with his partner, or time spent with the family. - I consider this as a cut and keep paragraph
What world do the Beckhams live in when David complains that he doesn't like it when his daughter calls him fat! Beckham fat, more meat on a butchers pencil.
' Snackifaction' is my favourite word this week, the trend to bite size everything from food to news to conversations everything is condensed twitter is a good example, say what your thinking in a 140 characters or less and now the new kids favourite Snap Chat. Its like a Chinese meal within 10 seconds it gone and you've probably forgotten you had it.
Being fed up is on the increase. says the experts in a few years unhappiness, depression and anxiety will have become the normal human condition. - Hope that's cheered you up!
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