Have you ever been a victim of 'Man-spread' the increasing problem of men hogging seats by sitting with their legs spread to far apart. It's becoming such a problem on the New York Subway that they are starting a poster campaign to discourage it. However your native New Yorker isn't taking this problem sitting down. Now an alternative campaign to promote the benefits of 'spreading the Load' is being launched. who knew that their is medical benefits to sitting spread eagled as they say,in fact sitting with legs squeezed together is bad for you they claim. maybe to avoid complaints you should just get yourself a doctors note.
Let's do 'Munch' or the increasing trend amongst men of getting together for lunch . Well if it's good enough for the girlies and for the David Beckham set. Sound much more elegant than - 'I'm going for a pie and a pint'
Sex symbols come in all shapes an sizes. Take Eric Pickles for example this cabinet minister is a pin up boy in Siberia of all places. He gets so many requests for photographs. He's told his cabinet office to ignore them and throw them all in the bin. Maybe Siberian women like their men with a bit of meat on them, in which case Eric certainly fits the bill!
Sitting in my dentists waiting room the other day I was flicking through a magazine then noticed it was from 2010, when I checked the pile the other mags where from the same year . Couldn't believe it. It was like taking a step back in time unfortunately my dentist wasn't as nostalgic and still charged me 2014 prices. Next time I think I'll ask him to give my credit card an anaesthetic as well, to numb the pain as I hand it over to pay!
You know the saying he's 'talking out his backside ' well soon you may actually be able to play music out of it. A Spanish audio scientist has developed a way of using the natural rhythms of your body to broadcast musical sounds he uses an audio player connected underneath a bicycle seat as an example. The sound vibrations generated travel up through your body which act as the speakers. Just hope he doesn't hit any bum notes.
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