Monday, 29 June 2015

Man Talk 17th May

Man Talk 17th May

Forget trying to get the perfect six pack. The 'Dadbod' is the in demand physique for the over forties. It's described as a firm girth with just the hint of a beer belly. Now that's a more realistic body shape, and who knew I've been working towards perfecting that look for ages. 

Now that the election is over, maybe The losing party leaders should have taken a few tips from Russian leader Vladimir Putin on how to win friends and  influence people. He's got his own Motor Bike Gang called the Nightwolves. Forget the tour bus Imagine if Ed Millibrand had a biker gang and brought rolling thunder into town, revving up and doing wheelies along Lime Street. A leathered up Ed or Nick or even Nigel and the result could have been totally different. 

Thunderbirds are go again on TV and fashion watchers are saying we should be taking style tips from the puppet cast. Geoff's safari style shirts are cool. And for the smarter man Alan's shirt and tie combo are hot and when off duty Thunderbird one pilot Scott always looks dapper in a blazer. And as for Brains, his choice of  glasses are real trendsetters. Everyone gets a mention for their stylish ways apart from John. Maybe that's why he was stuck up in space on Thunderbird Five - obviously he doesn't look  F-A-B enough.

Love is in the ear - scientists say men can hear a pretty face, and can  fall in love just by hearing a voice. 

How many of you knew that strippers have been banned from performing at funerals in China this week. Now there's a thing You never see at a funeral over here. No mention of pole dancers yet though 

Eye brow shaping for men has been banned in Iran obviously the metrosexual is not a thing there yet, but the 'Monobrowsexual' is. 

Formula 1 fans are complaining the cars aren't loud enough. they say new technology means you can't hear them coming. Here's an idea why not stick a big base sound system in the back and blast out the Mr Whippy jingle. Problem solved!

Who wants to live to be 1000? over America lots of people do. Funny that the Anti aging institute research programme is funded by lots of rich old men and internet billionaires from silicone valley. 

 An Arsenal fan made his girlfriend sit an exam about his favourite team to make sure they were compatible -  maybe a few other requirements for the perfect 'gooner' girlfriend would be, she enjoys long periods of silence. She'd understand that her partner would often makes a mountain out of a mole hill, and that they will complain about the slightest thing and of course expect to be constantly told how unlucky they are. 

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