Sunday, 18 May 2014

Man Talk 14th February 2014




Is the love of your life a member of the 'Happy Wives Club'. If the answer is no then I bet you wish you could sign her up. This latest 'self help' bestseller from America would be music to most husbands ears. Don't nag, be grateful, never critisise, and dedicate your life to keeping your man happy, are just some of the suggestions, that the author, a women  by the way thinks would create a more harmonious relationship. Now maybe in the U S of A this kind of homespun advice goes down well but on the meanstreets of Liverpool I fear the worst. Buy this book at your peril


A report this week claimed if you want get yourself noticed get yourself a hat. They used the example of Pharrell Williams of 'Happy' fame, Now if you've seen Pharrel's hat you know why he's getting lots of attention its like something a Canadian Mountie would wear only twice the size. Wearing a hat like that would certainly get you noticed it would also cause lots of amusement in fact seeing somenone walking down the street in a silly hat like his would certainly make me 'Happy'  


A dating website has revealed that the perfect girlfriend is a Manchester United fan, Do you think that means she's frustrated after being dumped by an older man has high expectations but low self esteem and has seen better days.  


Is their any greater leveler in life that a sauna. How better to sort out lifes ill's than a room full of semi naked men sitting around sweating and discussing the burning issues of the day. The tube strike the weather, and who's going finsih higher Everton or Liverpool. All discussed debated and commented upon amidst a head of steam and vapour.


I have never been a wine lover, I've always thought of it of inferior rusty water. But this week I put all my predjudices aside and went to a wine tasting event at Il Forno restaurant in Duke street. And whilst I mightn't be converted, I have to say i've gained a better appreciation of a full bodied red, or the subtle bouquet of an Italian white. And I've realised why I didn't like wine – Australian Doc doesn't count and I only ever drank the cheap stuff!      


Couldn't believe this week when I heard that they put a baby Giraffe down in a zoo in denamark then fed him to the Lions. They blamed lack of space, but as one kind local soul wrote on twitter - 'can't believe they killed that Girrafe, I would have taken him in.'


I liked what the editor of Vanity Fair magazine said this week, in reply to Gwyneth Paltrow who is having an ongoing feud with mag. She asked how she cou;ld make herself more likeable. He said how about putting on 15lbs. just a joke or words of wisdom.



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