Sunday, 18 May 2014

Man Talk 6th April 2014





My first car was a Morris Minor I bought it at the auctions On West Derby road, and I paid £100 for it. I was atracted to it by the colour It was petrol blue, and then it hooked me in when I saw that it had a starting handle in case I ever had a problem getting her going. I loved that car. I tell you this after my friend had a rant at me this week for not being able to give him chapter and verse on the pro's and con's of my latest car, which he was considering buying. Sorry but I glaze over when ever anyone talks to me about mileage horse power or performance. I would rather stick pins in my eyes than watch Clarkson and co, gush about getting from nought to fifty in blah blah bah seconds. A car  used to be things you could look after and even fix. You used to be able to change things like the plugs the points, even the fan belt. But these days?  Have you ever lifted the bonnet? All thats there, is what looks like a big suitcase, nothing to see, do or change anymore. You have to leave it to the 'experts', and it costs you an arm and a leg if they have to fix it. So why did I buy my current car? Unfortunately it didn't have a starting handle, but it did have other little gadgets like bluetoothe and a nice little camera that shows you when your reversing, oh and I liked the colour!


Talking of cars, The Formula One season has just started, and all those 'petrolheads' are complaining because the cars aren't noisey enough! Seems like as well as the smell of petrol and burning rubber, the fans want noise. They travel so fast these days how else would they know when they come charging past.


The guy who won all that money on the Euromillions lottery last week said he was going to buy a fleet of high performance cars, which is code for 'fast cars'. Now can anyone expain to me why anyone would want to spend gazillions of pounds on these high speed beasts of the road that can travel at hundreds of miles an hour when the speed limit at best is seventy? Money and sense the two don't seem to go together


Pst.. wanna buy a fence? Who knew their was a black market in fence panels since the storms, their like gold dust apparantley.


Gary Neville a sex symbol? Can you believe Hollywood beauty Keira Knightley thinks that the former Manchester United Full back is 'amazing'. I think all that Chanel number 5 must be going to her head that or she's drinking the stuff!


Ever fancied yourself as the next Peter Jones or Duncan Banatyne, deciding who you'll favour with your cash. Well now you too can be a Dragon, well of sorts. Websites such as Kickstarter offer you the opportunity to invest if projects films or inventions. Crowd funding as its called gives small time investors the opportunity to be part of potentially big opportunities. Check out the website and decide if 'YOUR IN', but be careful even big time dragons get burned sometimes.


How cool is this Bayern Munich don't have a number telve in their team. Because they say their fans are their twelveth man! Great PR whatever


Did you know that 'Penthraphobia' is the fear of mother in laws!    


Lets talk about death baby...Wonder how long before Liverpool opens its first 'Death Cafe' Becomming big in London, these pop up nights are get togethers to chat about all things death talking points include cremation or burial? What would songs would you like played at your funeral   and what would you have on your tombestone. Its not a first date kind of place is it.


So the big show everyone is talking about on Broadway is Rocky the Musical, It may include all your favourite hits from the boxing saga, but unlike the boxing fairytail that where it ends. The show is taking a right beating from the critics describing it in boxing terms as  tierd, leggy with punch drunk acting  and no knockout performances, ding ding! I expect they'll throw the towel in pretty shortly.








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